SOI Lived Time

A blog that raises questions about the existential experience of blog writing and other phenomenologically minded notions. Anything written on this blog may be used as blogger examples for my research about the blog-unicating experience. Thanks!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Why do you blog?

Many people are talking about the experience of writing a blog. What do you think?
Why do you write using this format----what does it do for you?

I’m trying to get a sense about this blog phenomenon that is going on for a research paper I am doing.

What is really at the essence of the way you feel about this kind of writing and what compels you to write in this format?

Do you feel a special way while you are writing, posting, reading comments or have not posted for awhile? Or is it just to keep from feeling bored?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I blog because I am an attention whore and there's nothing like having a complete stranger comment on your blog and tell you haw funny / smart / great you are. Best feeling ever.

That was my first blog.

My second blog was more for just giving myself a forum to talk about whatever I wanted. In the second blog, I stopped participating in shameless blog self promotion, thus, far fewer comments, but I was over that part of it.

Now, I have gone back to grad school. I write papers. Who has time for blogging?

I still like to read them, though... probably something voyeuristic in that.

10:53 AM  

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