SOI Lived Time

A blog that raises questions about the existential experience of blog writing and other phenomenologically minded notions. Anything written on this blog may be used as blogger examples for my research about the blog-unicating experience. Thanks!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hello and Welcome

Thanks for stopping by. I hope this blog can be a place to discuss this notion of the lived experience of blog writing. It seemed inauthentic to write and research blogging without having one of my own so I'm giving it a try. Please contribute your thoughts.

Also, please feel free to discuss all things phenomenological in addition to your thoughts about the existential experience of blog writing. I qualify blogging as "blog writing" because I'm really trying to get at the phenomenon of the writing process within this content management application structure/interface structure of post/reply.


Blogger Stacey said...

Thanks Angelog. I graduated from UMCP
with my PhD. Good luck with YOUR research!

12:16 PM  

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